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Brainstorm Blog #3

Writer's picture: Eli MillnerEli Millner

This project really excites me because it is a form of media and digital art that I don’t have very much experience in. I am very comfortable with video work but I have put little time into After Effects and motion graphics so this has been a great opportunity to expand my skill set. I love cameras and photography so I think I would like to incorporate that in some way.

I am learning about landscape and astrophotography in a different course and I have been inspired by the idea of setting a camera up and leaving it on an interval timer overnight. In this other course, I was told this story where a photographer set up his camera and left it overnight to find in the morning that he had captured an amazing timelapse of an aurora borealis.

I think it would be an interesting video if I set up my camera on the flat irons and then walked away. I want to animate an alien visiting the flat irons through the perspective of the camera's viewfinder.

I think it could be fun and comical to come back in the morning to the camera to find that the battery had died before the aliens arrived.

The audience would see the whole thing play out but I would have no idea that I had just missed an alien encounter. I would like to make the animation of the alien encounter very colorful and psychedelic.


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