For my webventure project, I decided to create a choose your own adventure for a ski trip. Skiing is something that I am very passionate about so I thought it would be fun to incorporate it in some way. I wanted the adventure to have a lot of dead ends and only one successful outcome so it took the audience some time to complete it. I chose to make my gifs as realistic and fun as possible so they went with the aesthetic of the rest of the project. I also chose to include funny gifs that I found on the internet like the little kid falling on a snowboard for example. I included these because I wanted to add a comedic element to this project. I really liked the idea of having a working sign with button options so I created a sign at the lodge and at the top of the mountain. I like how ski runs are differentiated by different color signs so I knew I wanted to include a ski run sign with different paths at some point in my project. If I had more time to work on this project I would like to have more runs and more possible outcomes. I also would like to make my different slides a little more cohesive so it feels more like a game. I am proud of some of the gifs I created like the chairlift and moose gifts. I had serious technical difficulties trying to get my invisible buttons to stay in the right places so I apologize if the site is not running smoothly. Thank you for a great semester! Please let me know if the website is not working and I will try and do my best to fix it.
